Teaching for Thomas More Dual Credit

Are you a high school teacher (or school district employee) interested in teaching for Thomas More’s Dual Credit program?  Thomas More’s Dual Credit program is accepting applications for credentialed school district personnel who would like to teach dual credit classes at their respective high schools. 

Step 1: Complete the Thomas More Dual Credit Credentialing Form

Step 2: Collect unofficial copies of all graduate transcripts. (Official copies will be required if you are approved to teach.)

Step 3: Send the credentialling form and transcripts to dualcredit@thomasmore.edu prior to the deadline.

All application materials are due by March 1 of the school year prior to when you are applying to teach in Thomas More’s Dual Credit program.

Step 4: All materials will be reviewed by Thomas More’s Dual Credit program and the department for which you are applying to teach. You will be notified as to your status after materials have been reviewed.

Step 5: If your credentials are approved, your department will ask you to go through their hiring process. This may include an interview. Once you’ve been vetted and approved by the department, they will have you:

  • submit official copies of all graduate transcripts
  • fill out mandatory new hire paperwork 
  • present an unexpired passport or two forms of ID
  • complete a background check

Step 6: Departments may require new instructors to go through new hire training with the department and all Thomas More’s Dual Credit Program instructors must attend our Faculty Orientation and Faculty Development Training each summer.

For more information, please email catchej@thomasmore.edu